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Benefits and drawbacks of «LIMITED LIABILITY company» (Llc)

Limited Liability Company (LLC), as one of the organizational forms (OF) of a commercial organization, in practice, is the most common form of doing business in Uzbekistan. By the way, not only small and medium businesses are performing in this form, but as a rule, also a big business.

What makes LLC such "...

23 March, 2015
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Market control or a representative office of a foreign company in Uzbekistan

1. The essence of representative offices of foreign companies in Uzbekistan

Any business structure, the company in the world is trying to grow and to enter foreign markets and expand its geographical presence in the global economic space. There is no any other way for a business if its real aims are further expansion,...

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Licensing of real estate activity

1. Realtor and services

According to the definition provided by an Act of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On realtor activity", a realtor entrepreneurship are businesses of legal entities and individuals on provision of services on a contractual basis, relating to the deal-makingwith real estate and rights to them.


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Tips for beginners of small business in uzbekistan

Anyone wishing to start a business (start-up), not only in Uzbekistan, but also in almost any other country, firstly faces with the question of optimal choice of organizational form (OF) of the company. By avoiding too legal technicalities of this issue in Uzbekistan, it was decided to give some practical advice on this subject.


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Termination (Voluntary liquidation) of company in uzbekistan

For various reasons, in practice, a situation where the continued operation of the company appears to be ineffective, its elimination is seen as the best way out of this situation. The necessity of closing can occur for various reasons, such as loss of ratio, getting rid of tax claims, or the absence of an entrepreneur interested in further...

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